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Fastest QuEChERS Kit from MoxLab

What Is QuEChERS Method

QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe) is a sample preparation method that was initially developed in 2003 for analyzing veterinary drugs in food. The method was also tested for pesticide residue analysis in plant material with great success. In 2003, the detailed method was published in the journal AOAC International. Since then, the QuEChERS method has evolved into a sample preparation technique used on a variety of analytes in an expanding number of sample types before analysis by GC-MS or LC-MS.

What Is The Advantage of QuEChERS Method

(1) High recovery rates, with recovery exceeding 85% for a wide range of polar and volatile pesticide varieties. 

(2) High precision and accuracy, can be corrected using internal standard methods. 

(3) Broad range of analyzable pesticides, including both polar and nonpolar varieties, exhibiting good recovery rates with this technique. 

(4) Fast analysis, capable of processing six samples within 30 minutes. 

(5) Minimal solvent usage, low pollution, cost-effective, and does not employ chloride-containing solvents. 

(6) Simple operation, requires minimal training and skills to achieve satisfactory results.

(7) Immediate sealing of the container after adding ethyl acetate, reducing the chances of contact with personnel. 

(8) Minimal use of glassware in the sample preparation process, with a simple setup.

What Is QuEChERS Kit

Generally includes centrifuge tubes, salt packets, and fillers.

Who Sells QuEChERS Kits

Many companies have developed products based on the QuEChERS method, typically in the form of a combination of centrifuge tubes and sachets.

QuEChERS company

How to Use A QuEChERS Kit?

This is a typical use flowchart for QuEChERS Kit 

QuSLE®  (QuEChERS syringe filter )is developed by the Institute of Quality Standards and Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It integrate QuEChERS adsorbents into a syringe filter,  it is specially designed for the rapid purification of samples. 

The QuSLE syringe filter simplifies the purification steps of the QuEChERS method,  no need to conduct the process of  adsorbents weighting, liquid transferring, objects extraction, purification and  microfiltration. Only a single-step operation, the extraction liquid can be directly filtered into the sample vial for HPLC or LC-MS analysis.


Does QuSLE Syringe Filter have the same Purification Effect Compared With QuEChERS Kit?

Right attached the Average recovery rate comparison between traditional QuEChERS method and QuSel Syringe Filter method. It shows the creative method keeps the high average recovery rate.

53 pesticides analysis by QuEChERS syringe filter

When We need QuSLE Syringe Filter?

  • Specially developed for the analysis of multi-pesticides and their metabolites
  • Designed for the purification of 1 mL extraction liquid, requiring a small amount of sample solution with minimal contamination
  • According to AOAC and EN methods

How to Use A QuSLE Syringe Filter?

Buy A QuEChERS Syringe Filter

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